Saturday, March 26, 2011

I think this concept just might work

What do you do when you decide that being all by yourself after focusing on your wonderful family is going to be awesome?  You jump in, move to Chicago with amazing new job, new place and spend six months in bliss.  Every day is filled with new places and new opportunities.  Then LIFE stares you in the face and work consumes every moment and ounce of your being.  The opportunity is beyond belief and exciting.  Exhilarates and exhausts at the same time.  Resume will be amazing and respect with never languish...

...Then I woke up one day and realized that I was lonely for the first time ever in my life.  It is the end of February and the newscast that said we've never had that much snow in February EVER and I'm still recalling the blizzard and my 21st floor snow drift.  Daylight hides behind the clouds along with my spirit and everything reduces me to running for Kleenex.  Yes, I love Chicago winters because they make 40 degrees feel like mid-summer.

That gloomy, cold day on the couch with my laptop hammering away at work that will never cease made me realize I could start over yet again.  The first day of spring was only a few weeks away and I'd spring into a plan for a real Chicago social life - not to rub shoulders with the Chicago elite (necessarily) but to be energized by being with people instead of on the couch, walking with friends instead of around in circles and setting a limit on those astronomical expectations at the office that only rarely seem to be successful. 

Oh yeah, I've got a great job in field that I love and I've had great professional success.  It's just that I can't make it everything any more.  I'm running out of years to fall in love again and learn to do all of the things I want to do.  I have a shadow box to make for Michelle (after 10 years of promising) a scrapbook for Haley, a marathon memory for Andrea and then there are all of those pieces of vintage jewelry that I was going to transform :)

So I'm getting it started.  Six months of journaling how my life will just get better.  Hope you'll be here to offer suggestions and morale support too!

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